If you have been granted SARP Relief or qualify you can use our calculator below to see how much the Relief is worth to you.
In order to qualify for SARP Relief your employer Must complete a “SARP Employer Return”

What are the conditions to qualify?

You can claim SARP once you meet the following requirements:
• you earn at least €75,000 per year excludes all bonuses
• you worked outside Ireland for a minimum of six months for the employer who assigned you to work in Ireland before being reassigned to Ireland
• you arrive in Ireland in any of the tax years 2012 to 2024, at the request of your employer, to perform duties in Ireland for that employer (or with an associated company of that employer)
• you perform duties for a minimum of 12 consecutive months from the date you are first assigned
• you were not tax resident in Ireland for the five tax years immediately preceding the year you arrive in Ireland to take up employment
• you are tax resident in Ireland for all years for which you claim the relief

How do I get the Relief?

You can get relief through your payroll or by completing the relevant returns at the end of the tax year.

Records relating to all claims must be retained for 6 years in case of a Revenue query.

You can use the Paylesstax online tax return system to complete you tax return claim form.

SARP Tax calculations based on tax year 2024.


SARP Taxable Income

Amount of SARP Relief claimed

Amount of income from employment after deduction of SARP Relief claimed


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